By default, the society implicitly reduces you to an object of self-pity (the pity-inducement syndrome) when there is an aspect of your life that does not seem to measure up with "socially constructed standards". Well, the intensity of what I call the pity-inducement syndrome depends on what part of the landscape you call homeland.
In all of these, you remain the major actor whom alone has the explicit authority to internalise the ills of this syndrome. You also have the implicit authority to allow this "syndrome" set the tone of your life, how you live and express it.
I challenge the Champion in you to rise above this syndrome.
Live, love, learn, laugh.
Life is what you choose to call it.
Journals of my doctoral journey.
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Doctoral Candidate - Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa
Research area: Corporate Marketing and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)